Originally Posted by tecoyah
Why argue it at all? What purpose is served by telling someone else they are wrong in your opinion, unless they request clarification. Using your example, I dont believe Jesus was the Son of God, any more than the Buddah was, but what chance is there I would convince you my way of thinking is better than yours, and would I do either of us a service by even attempting to do so?
The point is.....Why do I care in the least what God you pray to, as long as you dont try to kill/maim/hurt someone because of it. That was the entire reason for this thread, frustration based on realization that opposing religions are the reason people are dying, whether Sunni / Shiite....Christian / Muslim...it makes no difference to me, people are still dead.
You are using religion as a CAUSE of this violance, which I do not think is true.
Religion is being used as an excuse yes, but the greatest slaughters of humans in the last 100 years have had nothing to do with religion directly.
Religion is just an excuse.