Originally Posted by politicophile
I couldn't disagree more strongly. What could "correct" mean, in the context of beliefs, other than "true"? Is there actually such a thing as a false, but correct, belief?
I suppose its a matter of personal Philosophy, I have no problem accepting someone feels they are correct, even though it may go contrary to my own understanding of truth. Its a form of respect for the individual.
There is a great danger in irrationality. This danger is partly expressed by dogmatic adherence to corrupt religious practices a la Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Aztec human sacrifice, suicide bombing, terrorism. It is also expressed by dogmatic adherence to non-religious beliefs, such as Soviet Marxism, Nazism, Scientology, social Darwinism, etc.
I am totally unwilling to say that Person A's belief in the racial inferiority of Jews is the correct belief for them. I would instead argue that Person A is wrong in assuming that Jews are racially inferior, and that their belief in this doctrine is incorrect. Why, then, would we give people a pass for irrational spiritual beliefs?
You would not, as you believe differently than I do, which is fine by me. Again it comes to respect, and to an extent experiencing the alternatives to it. If someone decides one path is right for them, and it does not interfere with my own, I really dont care what they want to pray to. If indeed they do try to interfere with my belief, I avoid them as a hinderance if at all possible, rather than force confrontation and try to sway them to my way of thinking.
QUALIFICATION: I'm not saying that we should attempt to prevent people from believing in or expressing incorrect beliefs. Rather, I think we should acknowledge the fact that some beliefs are right and some a wrong. Facts are generally constant between individuals: Jesus was either the son of God for both you and I, or he was not the son of God for either of us: it makes no sense to argue that my belief that he was the son of God is correct AND that your belief that he was not is also correct.