Originally Posted by nanotech
WHO ARE YOU? who are you to say that I don't know anything about geology or chemistry? I know more than you and I loved these in education and understood how to work with them and made a few little formulas of my own, and I can recall the chemistry formulas in 20 minutes if I read the book again after 15 years of learning them.
OK...I think we are about done playing this game Nanotech. I have watched this thread since you reposted it after we removed what was considered Spam. I then followed your ramblings knowing you dont use english as a first language, and was hoping we were dealing with a communications issue, we are not. While it would be inappropriate for me to discuss the knowledge level of a member, as you have done, I can and will take what action in needed while attempting to seem Unbiased.
This thread is now moved to
Nonsense, as it would only tarnish Paranoia.