Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
Gilda, if implemented a law would likely require you to note your decision not to have kids before hand and then upon finding out that your spouse is pregnant again make the decision, its likely not an easy out.
The problem I see is that although the man can have a say his speech is basically useless as he actually has no voting rights in this. Having sat through many many speeches by parties recently I have noticed that very rarely do they actually sway people's votes, most people have already made up their mind.
Would you be happy if your husband after you got pregnant but within 30days handed the kid over to social services and didn't go back for it? How many men take this option (seeing as its legal)?
I'm sterile and gay, and married to another woman so it's not a scenario likely to occur.
How, exactly, does a man, or anybody for that matter, hand the child over to social services during the first 30 days of pregnancy?