Originally Posted by onodrim
There are always exceptions, but generally I like the light on. I like to be able to see the person I'm with. Total darkness can be fun if it's a random middle of the night unexpected romp,  but it can also be a hinderance if no one knows what's going on! Dim light might be nice for a slow romantic mood. But generally speaking, keep the lights on for me. 
And that's why she's the one for me
Perhaps I'm wrong, but it seems less likely that females like the lights on during sex than males. I think part of this is the reason I stated earlier...many (perhaps even most) females that I've heard express an interest in the lights being off during sex have explained their reasons as having to do with not wanting to be fully seen when naked. It's true, the dimmer light can hide imperfections in a body...that's why you can't usually find a strip club with good lighting. Still, for me, part of the great experience with sexual encounters is that feeling of being totally open with the person you're with. I suppose if I were less particular about who I might choose to have a sexual encounter with, I might feel differently.