Originally Posted by Meier_Link
Thanks people. This thread has mostly reaffirmed what I believed in the first place, Accord is the way to go, but Volvo is an option that I haven't considered.
Tomorrow I'm going to go look at a 99 Passat V6 with 71k for about 8000... I don't know what to expect from VW, some people swear by them and others think they will cost a fortune in the long run.
I don't know how mine compares to this car, but in August last year I got a 96 Passat VR6, and it's become a money pit. I think I've reached the point where everything that could break has, so it's good for now. I got the car for $4,000, knowing I needed $1,000 work on it. After that, I found out that I had to... get a lot of electrical stuff replaced, get an axle replaced, had a belt snap on me when I was 70 miles from home that cost me an assload. The main problem is cost of repair parts for VWs.