a few things
Yes, lots of the current problems in the Middle East can be traced back to end of colonialism, but lets also remember that most of the Middle East was colonized relatively late in whole era.
Im not trying to say that colonialism is the key to understanding the problem. its something that is important to understand. Just as this area of the world has not had the benefit of democratic rule, freedom of the press for a long time, if ever. This issue is SO complex that scholars have spend years just trying to understand the SCOPE of the issue, let alone how to fix the gap between east and west.
2nd in regards to powerclown's post
I saw a scholar from NYU on MSNBC a few weeks a back, right after Bin Ladan's last tape showed up. He talked about ho Islam is going through something no unlike the protestant / catholic spit in the 1500s right now. 25 years ago it would have been unheard of for anyone outside the formal structures of Islam to make statements like Bin Ladan, and have anyone listen, let alone act on them. A lot of the 'anti-west' actions one sees in the Muslim world are as much a result of this splintering than conflict with the west.