As I said before -Certain people
love Dick Cheney and they have their nose firmly planted between his buttocks. They are constantly making excuses for him. It really doesn't matter what he does.
Gee, Dick -why'd you let Enron rip off California?

'Thats none of your buisness'
Dick, why do you let Halliburton steal from the government

'The rules are different in a time of war'
Dick, why can't you shoot straight.

'It's the liberal medias fault'
As far as "my theory" goes:
The only way to account for the pattern indicated on the TDPW report is if Cheney was about 10 feet away from Whittington when he shot him. ...
Rule Number One: You don’t rotate out of a limited arc of fire when you’re hunting with three or four other hunters. Reports are that Cheney tracked a quail that had flushed, then he quickly swung around and shot. Unfortunately Mr. Whittington and the bird were in the same place at the same time.
Gee it doesn't take much hunting experience to realize that you don't shoot your buddy who is 10 feet away.
The only way that birdshot could have possibly penetrated into Whittington's heart, given the minimal force impact capacity of the shot is if he was shot from incredibly close range. This then means that the whole event requires a greater level of scrutiny. If they lied about the distance of the shot, its probably one of many lies.