Here's the website that has all the information you could possibly need regarding the certifications needed in NJ:
It appears that to receive your permanent certification you have to complete some kind of teaching program--either their alternate program or a teaching preparation program.
Here is Rutgers' page for their certification programs:
That should at least give you a start of what you need to be looking for. It looks like the Rutgers program is 2 years, which isn't uncommon for semester schools.
Here in Oregon most teacher certification programs take approximately 1 year from start to finish--either you start in summer or fall and go until the next summer or fall. My question is--do you want to stay in NJ in the long-term? Once you finish the Master's, is that where you're going to want to stay for 2 years or more? I ask because generally schools set you up to get certified for the state that they are in, and if you want to move within the next four years, it might be easier to move now and apply for a program in the state you wish to relocate to. And like I said--every state has different programs with different lengths, but in almost every case the result is a Master's degree--either in Teaching or in Education.
But this is my overall advice in selecting a program, and it is advice my father (high school principal) gave me: Choose a program with an emphasis on actual classroom experience. Actually being in the classroom and working with students will help you much more in the future than repeated classes on classroom management. Teaching is one of those things that is best taught hands-on and by (good) example.
Good luck.