The only constants in my purse (other than wallet & keys) are:
-All kinds of lipstick, chapstick, lip gloss, etc
-Compact (facial powder, rarely used)
-Movie ticket stubs (some are really old)
-Way too many receipts (they all get thrown in there; also really old)
-A carabiner keychain from REI
-Loose change
I think this assortment developed because I only use my purse for social occasions or shopping. I don't take it to work or school; for that, I take my backpack, which is full of even more random and useless stuff. (I don't really wear make-up to school/work, nor do I go shopping or to the movies with my backpack, so hence the division.)
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran