I'm going to save myself from carpal tunnel and just post a link here:
I believe the OP is referring to what's known as the theist's dilemma, though he may have come by his own means.
Disclaimer: I don't necessarily agree with anything on aforementioned website, am not an affiliate of aforementioned website, and I've no idea what the complete content of the website is. View it at your own discretion, yadayada. I think you get it. It was just google'd.
Anyhow, it's an old question to which there haven't been many good answers - from a logical standpoint, meaning.. no revelatory knowledge, no abstract metaphysical statements, etc. -. I just wanted to say that most of the questions asked in this forum are nothing new, and while it's valuable to share your opinions, not all people are equally understanding or accepting of others' beliefs. Thus, the quibbling in nearly every thread that I've read since I discovered this section of the forum. Can we please stop. By the time I'm back on this forum, I'll have read more relevant text. If you want people to respect your opinions, at least be prepared to offer relevant and accurate knowledge to support or refute anyone's claims - and remember that despite undeniable evidence, some people choose to believe otherwise, and that many metaphyiscal questions can never be proven by worldly logic, such and such .. yada yada. Just stop attacking each other. How does that help this forum in any way? Maybe this should be it's own post. I dunno. I'm not saying that everyone on this forum does it, but it certainly seems to have a presence. askldfj ! long live the FSM. / the world was created 5 minutes ago. lol. Someone tell me if im way out of line, I didn't think I was.