Well I have finally found out I am not alone. this has recently happened to me---tears, papercut like tears on my vagina and I was looking for answers. It seems to go away and then recurr.
One large clue is that this did happen after I took antibiotics for a terrible cold. I got symptoms of a yeast infection and the cuts appeared. Even though I seem to be better they keep coming back.
I have always been very sexually healthy and married to the same person for 20+ years. I am probably post-menopausal and I wonder if this is a complication of the vaginal lining thinning with age.
I have no problem with getting older, in fact before this sex has never been better, I just hope this goes away permantly.
I hope this may have helped someone as equally perplexed as I was until I saw this forum.
I feel I am not alone and not a victim of some rare bizarre condition.... : )