Originally Posted by robodog
My wife makes me an interesting pancake meal. She makes up a batch of light, fluffy pancakes, then while they are still hot she puts peanut butter and sliced bananas inside and rolls them like a crepe. As a funny aside my parents hosted a number of international students when I was growing up and NONE of them liked maple syrup. We had a French, German, Japanese, and Spanish student and not one of them liked it, I think they found it too sweet.
Rolled pancakes are a big deal in Scandinavian cooking. They make batter that cooks up thin, crepe-like pancakes, which then are usually rolled up and doused with powdered sugar, then covered with preserves, fruit, or whatever you like. No peanut butter, though; but I'm a big fan of the peanut butter-and-banana sandwich, and a PBBP (Peanut butter banana pancake) would big a nice treat -- and hearty.