Thank you for addressing the 7 heavens issue in my post instead of getting a persecution complex.
Originally Posted by nanotech
Whales are mammals, humans are mammals, why didn't some people who supposedly inherited from whales did possess this ability to communicate via sonar?
Because we don't live underwater.
Originally Posted by nanotech
Bats are mammals, humans are mammals. Why didn't some humans also possess the ability to see via sound as bats do?
Because we don't live in dark caves. We evolved larger brains that allow us to use fire.
Originally Posted by nanotech
If humans came from evolution, why doesn't science find 1, 3, 4 legged or 4 handed people in the museum. or one eyed people? Why no one eyed people? God created people with 2 eyes from the beginning because 2 eyes are needed to calculate distance and because of other things. Such as a backup system if one eye gets hurt. Shouldn't evolution have made 1 eye first as a first version of human vision? and perhaps later, it evolved into 2 eyes?
What is the advantage of 1, 3, or 4 legs (although our arms are actually legs, technically) over our current form?
Protozoans do have one photoreceptor, the organelle that evolved into eyes. More advanced microbes have two of these so they can move toward or away from light. The species we evolved from already had binocular vision.
Originally Posted by nanotech
Human beings have not changed in overall structure in thousands or millions of years, and I don't think they will change naturally in the future, only artificially. There is a verse in the Quran which contains this info: "We created humans in the most perfect form..". I would conclude from this verse that the biology or physical structure of humans will not get more perfect.
Human beings did not exist millions of years ago, however we have seen huge changes in the human form over the past 400 thousand years. This is clearly shown in the fossil record, which is a product of the scientific process. The Quran is a religious text. If you continue to link your "science" to your faith, you will continue to have your feelings hurt when we attack your "science".