Originally Posted by Jimellow
Is the reason this affected your credit rating negatively, due to you being 50% over your new credit limit? I read somewhere that such an occurence can in fact hurt your rating, but the whole credit scoring system seems to be obscure, so it's tough to distinguish between valid facts and fiction.
I called the company yesterday, and tried to cancel before my card arrived (heh).. They said I have to wait until I receive the card, and then call them to cancel it, which makes sense.
Do "closed cards" stay/show up on my credit report forever, or will it fall off after a few years? My main concern is that they credit (heh) me with closing the account, so that my credit rating isn't negatively affected.
I should have never applied for this new card, and would like to "make it go away" as easily and completely as possible. 
Yes, that was the reason it was a negative-the ratio of owed to available became lower.
Closed cards stay on for an amount of time-used to be up to two years-it really depends on the credit company's reporting-I've seen 0 balances on credit reports that were years old(on mine there was a Macy's line of credit that had been closed that was over 5 years old)