Originally Posted by maximusveritas
The army itself has admitted to the fact that fraggings occurred in Vietnam. Terry Anderson, a Texas A&M historian, puts the total number at around 600 incidents. There's no question about it.
This incident with Tillman is definitely not a fragging. It's more about the commanding officers screwing up and then trying to cover it up. They weren't trying to make Tillman into a hero (he already was one), they were trying to keep from being blamed for his death.
I never argued that it didn't happen; I argued that it wasn't a common occurrence. Accepting Anderson's figure (which seems high to me), let's assume that all incidents were fatalities. That means that out of roughly 54,000 deaths, rougly 1% were fraggings. My entire point is stating that fragging of officers or fellow soldiers was a common occurrence borders on libelous. I have to say that I find statements to the contrary offensive for a variety of reasons.
Sorry for the threadjack, but I get really pissed off when someone makes up facts that trample all over facts, especially facts about people I happen to care a great deal about.