Originally Posted by The_Jazz
I don't know where you're getting your information, but someone's been telling you stories. There are anecdotal instances of this happening, but it was certainly not a widespread practices. To imply that it was a common occurrence is a pretty insulting statement to the men who served in that conflict. If you've got proof to back up your statement, I'd love to see it, but until you do, you shouldn't act like an authority on things that you don't know anything about.
You had a perfectly good point and you ruined it with an outright lie. You should apologize and try again.
The army itself has admitted to the fact that fraggings occurred in Vietnam. Terry Anderson, a Texas A&M historian, puts the total number at around 600 incidents. There's no question about it.
This incident with Tillman is definitely not a fragging. It's more about the commanding officers screwing up and then trying to cover it up. They weren't trying to make Tillman into a hero (he already was one), they were trying to keep from being blamed for his death.