Originally Posted by xepherys
a) The article lists "negligent homicide" as the charge they are investigating. So the title is EXACTLY in line with the story in question.
b) I understand a required opening post when asking people's opinions on something (rude to ask without laying your own foundation). However, this is a NEWS article. Primarily I felt it was interesting enough to bring to light. I don't have an opinion about it, per se, and therfore had nothing useful to add. Would it be better if I had written a few sentences of garbage?
a.) There's a big difference between homicide and "negligent homicide". "Negligent homicide" pinpoints the cause of the killing (accidental vs. intentional). To the point made by another, i am more correct saying manslaughter, as manslaughter is the accidental, not intentional, killing of another human being. The term "homicide" refers to the broader range of any death caused by another person, manslaughter being a subset of that.
b.) An opening post is required always, for everything- it's in the site rules, and always has been. Articles, opinions, you name it- it needs one. This is a discussion board, and if you see an article you'd like to discuss, we encourage it to be posted. If you have nothing useful to add, and can only "add a few sentences of garbage", then it must not be that important. All we want are your thoughts on the subject to get the threads started. A couple of lines of opinion.