Originally Posted by Brewmaniac
Dana Reeves help to raise awareness to spinal cord injury and continued supporting Christopher’s foundation, which may fund advances in research.
She was admirable.
May she peacefully rest.
I disagree with ustwo and mal's interpretation of why Dana's death is making the news.
I think it goes much deeper than a "cult of celebrity"
although, I'd be remiss to not acknowledge the power Christopher held over the minds of many young people of his Superman generation. I never understood it on a personal level myself, but I can understand how that story intertwined with the culture at the time, what it meant to be American, a sense of nostalgia in those youths later years, & etc.
that would explain, to me anyway, why Christopher's paralysis hit particular segments of the population so hard. Precisely why he might be seen as coming from a more "pure" time than say if Madonna, Michael Jackson, or even to some extent if Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson died (although the last two may be closer to the Reeves). Anyway, his popularity is part of it, but also their involvement in the medical research and foundation, as well as this is an excellent opportunity to create awareness for lung cancer.
because all of the reports i've seen emphasize the link between smoking and lung cancer, it's role as a major (I think leading is the report) killer, and that people need to pay attention in particular especially if a woman can contract it who doesn't even smoke. that early check-ups are crucial to overcoming the disease.
in short, the whole of Dana's popularity is greater than the sum of its parts.