I can't help but feel you have provided a "that feels about right" line, delineating crimes which are punishable by death from those which aren't.
What do murder, rape and poaching endangered species have in common that makes them special crimes?
i'm saying that, hey, they willingly went out of their way to cause serious harm of another life.
The problem is that they may not have done. 1 in 7 people on death row are found to be innocent, using DNA evidence, after they have been convicted.
The sad state of US justice means that those condemned to death are ridiculously likely to be poor, black men who's defence has been pathetically incompetent and uninterested in seeing proper justice done. Until this can be changed we will always need a lengthy appeals process to protect the innocent. And if we need this process then it would be cheaper and better for society to simply scrap the death penalty altogether.
So... spend millions of dollars improving the defences of people accused of murder,
OR... spend millions of dollars on a necessarily lengthy and costly execution process,
save millions of dollars - and fall in line with the moral concensus of the rest of the western world - by scrapping a cruel, unusual and discriminatory form of punishment.
Seems like a no brainer to me.