this is the trap women fall into a lot, they see their guys looking at a picture (or video) on the internet or tv, and think 'is that what he wants me to be?' or 'I must not be fulfilling some need he has.' the truth is, you are not going to. You won't. Don't even try to. You will fail, and it will be messy.
Looking a porn to guys is like girls buying shoes. It's just ingrained in the man's psyche. It's just something we just do. We don't love you any less, we don't want you to look or act like the girl in the movie. That is what she is there for.
As much as you try to get involved in his 'porn watching' is as much as he will withdraw, and try even harder to keep it secret (this is not the case for all guys, so bear with me here) Porn is there to look at, and we like to look. Does it mean we have a desire to go out and have sex with these women? Yes! We do! Will we? Not a chance! Even if given the opportunity, the guys in a serious relationship won't! If there is a trust issue, which might be the basis of any insecurities you might have in the first place then that is something that you have to work out as an aside from the porn. Talk to him, ask him why he looks at the porn in the first place! It might surprise you to know that it is a brief escape from the real world where girls are scary, and hardly ever remove their clothes on a whim, and look like they are doing it just for you. As long as it does not become the sole purpose of the day, and his only reason to get out of bed in the morning, then it's innocent. Think of it in that way.
Do we all do it? Yes! Does it mean anything? No! Will it hurt your relationship if you tell him to stop? Most deffinatly! What if he told you what he wanted or didn't want you to look at?
Maybe take up a man-porn fixation of your own and see what he says...
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.