Now you've got me reaching back into my ass again to dislodge that damn grammatical stick.

"Negligent homocide" and "homocide" are different things, although not mutually exclusive. All negligent homocides are homocides, but not all homocides (obviously) are negligent, so the title is innaccurate. Tillman's death was a homocide since his life was ended by another human, just like a murder victim or someone killed in a multi-car wreck. The word homocide does not necessarily have criminal implications, although it usually does.
I still think that it's an interesting article on an interesting development on an interesting topic, and I'm glad that you posted it. My only very minor quibble is that the title isn't accurate, but that doesn't distract from the post as a whole. Sorry if you feel offended, but if you had added the word "negligent" to the title, it wouldn't have drawn my attention. And I agree that I'm a grammar nazi, as would most of the people that work for me.
I only wish that there were more people interested in discussing it and the potential fallout.