I had a wonderful and complex response written out and then I hit post while my wireless was off line... lost it all. Now I'm grumpy.
The gist of it was this. There will always be terrorism (one could argue that there always has been some form or another of it). This "war on terror" is just another piece of trumped up bullshit like "the war on drugs."
The people who are profitting from this are the people in the arms trade and logistics.
The occasional death in the West by terrorism from the Middle East is the price of doing business the way we do business in that region.
Given that reality the only way to mitigate against further attacks (because they are going to happen anyway) is to police and educate (i.e. diplomacy).
In other words, the realy solution is to wean our nations off oil. Stop the need for Middle Eastern oil and you stop the need to be in the region. End of confict. As this is *not* likely to happen... get used to terrorism and war.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke