Originally Posted by Ustwo
Well I'd be interesting and hearing what you think should be done then.
I honestly wish I knew. Unfortunately my understanding of the depths of this issue is limited by time, and lack of motivation to deal with something that has been with us for centuries, as an immediate threat. My belief is simple:
Regardless of tactic, we will not end terrorism because we decide to kill terrorists.
The current "War" on terrorism is ,in my opinion, misguided and more a political tool than a serious attempt to address the core issues.
By occupying a country for undefined reasons (in the eyes of the terrorists), we have only made matters worse, and unfortunately justified (again in the eyes of terrorists) the reasons for the underlying hatred that leads to these actions.
I dont pretend to know the path to peace in this situation, but I do feel the direction we are going is counter productive if the desired result is less death and fear.