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Old 03-08-2006, 11:47 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Well Host, yes I can see where you may be steamed about all the unfairness ect... I was not suggesting that I not be "lumped" in with all the rest of you, rather just not to group invidiualy minded people (like we all are) together into group's simply because it is easyeir for blame to be passed out that way. Because while many people are complacent, there are plenty who are not, and very few people think the same thoughts at the same time in the same way.

Sure there is plenty of inaction and unfairness in the country. If asked if in my opinion is that going to change I would have to reply that I dont believe that it will anytime soon, because it is well within human nature to manipulate all benifits of any said system.

Why does the goverment use code that is hackable? Because there are smart people that can manipulate options to any given benifit they choose.

Why do people do wrong things? Often because they can get away with it. It will likly allways be this way.

You where correct in that I should of prehape's challanged Timalkin and that my response to his post was not very productive, however, I did let me get to read the huge blocks of text and information that you just posted, thx.

Anyway do really think that voting anytime in the near future will be completly secure?

Ballets and voting scam's happen allmost all the time, and historicaly very numerously during election times. (go figure).

What do you think?
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