Originally Posted by nanotech
Actually it is. The Quran only said don't eat pork meat because it’s harmful and it stressed this to the fact that it is in the foundations of Islam. Then it turns out now that the pork is the only meat that has worms that lives in humans even when the meat is boiled. Who could know this at that time except a supreme being which can see microscopic creatures.
In the old days in the USA people used to avoid going out at night because they believed the night air would make them sick and they might die. It has since been discovered that diseases transmitted by mosquitos, which fly in the evening time, were actually what was making people sick. The night air had nothing to do with it, yet people were able to associate getting sick with being out in the night air which happened to contain the mosquitos.
Its the same story with your pork example. If you eat a piece of pork and then you get sick, and then the next day you eat a piece of pork and then you get sick, and then the next day you eat a piece of pork and then you get sick, and then the next day you eat a piece of beef and you don't get sick, and then the next day you eat a piece of pork and you get sick, you will figure out that somehow the pork is making you sick. You don't NEED to know about worms or bacteria or whatever else is in the pork that makes you sick. That is what happened. Someone figured out pork was making them sick, and they told everyone else not to eat it. Simple as that.
And all that being said, worms do not survive in cooked pork as long as the pork was cooked at 137 degrees F or higher. The recommended cooking temperature of pork is 160 degrees F. Miracle of science, debunked.
yes there is a miracle in the mountains structure. The mountain has a purpose under the earth. It has a function to act as a nail in the ground. This nail keeps the continents from shifting by the result of Lava.
Mountains are FORMED by the collsions of the tectonic plates. If they were "nails" holding the plates down then 1) they wouldn't have formed from the plates colliding, and 2) we wouldn't have earthquakes since the plates wouldn't be moving against each other.
This brings me to my real point. From your perspective you are arguing from a very comfortable position. While we who actually know real science have to check our facts and learn our facts, all you have to do is claim that all science comes from the Quran. If it's not in the Quran, it's not real. If someone shows you scientific evidence that's been checked and rechecked and peer reviewed, you shut your eyes and ears to it because it is not in your Quran. The only time you acknowledge actual scientific data is when you can somehow make it work with what the Quran already says. That's a great position to argue from because from your point of view, you can never have your world view altered. What you know now is what you will know tomorrow and the next day and sixty years from now. That's comforting, if a bit, IMO, boring.
Because of this fundamentalist point of view you fail to recognize the Quran/Bible/Bagvad Ghita/Pick-Your-Religious-Text for what it actually is. It is not a 100% accurate history. It is not a step by step chronicle of the existance of God/Allah/etc.
It is a collection of stories, parables, that tell us how we should live life. You can boil the bible down to a few simple phrases: Don't steal. Don't kill. Don't be a jerk. Try to leave the world a better place than it was when you got here.
But 2000 years ago if some guy had run around saying these things, they'd have crucified him. . .Oh wait. . they did. And that's my point. No one will listen to a MAN who tells them to stop doing what they like to do. But if that man disappears for awhile and then comes back and claims an all powerful being with a short temper told him to tell everyone to stop killing, stealing, and being jerks or he'd send them to a place that's always on fire, people tend to listen.
The truth is we cannot scientifically KNOW what created existence. We cannot PROVE God. People who try to prove the existence of their deity are, in my experience, people who are having trouble reconcililng themselves to their faith. Either you believe or you don't. If you believe, you don't need proof. I believe the sky will be there tomorrow. I don't need to seek out proof of that. If you truly BELIEVE in God/Allah, you should not need to PROVE his existence.