Well we have to star with why they want to kill us. Is it because they hate freedom? Not really. Are they evil doers? Absurd. Is it because our government and corporations are interfering with their country to their detriment? Well duh.
Now we need to figure out what would make them stop. We can try to hunt them down like we've been doing. No one besides individuals with very high security clearence know if thet's been successful up to this point, and based on information that is leaked or available to the general public, it's really not going well. On top of that, we are seeing the slow erosion of civil liberties and the disconnect from our international allies. Seems like it's not working. So what else can we do? Well, we can cave and withdraw all military and economic interests from the Middle East. Does this mean the terrorists win? Well, yeah but so do we. Our dependence on foreign oil has cost us 500 billion(?) and the lives of thousands of soldiers just in the past 4 years alone. Not only that, but we have yet to see any real benifits from our investment (besides corporiate profits soaring, and the same corporations cutting jobs). So we basically set up Iraq and leave. Not only do we leave Iraq, but we leave EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. There is no reason for a democratic nation to have military bases in hundreds of countries. So we've pulled out all our troops...now what? We ask Afghanistan if we can go in and get Bin Laden. We ask for the support of the Afghani government, and in return we forgive their debt and give them aid. I'll bet we'd find him inside a week. When we extradite him to the US legally, we try him on international TV. We give him a fair trial (none of this holding without trial garbage). While I persoanlly don't think he's responsible for 9/11, I do think he has been responsible for many bombings and attacks, and thus needs to be brought to justice.
I'll bet anyone $5 that if this were to come to pass, global terrorism would drop off sharply, and terrorism on our own soil would drop to nothing.