Again, not looking to start an abortion debate.....
Originally Posted by willravel
The reason it sucks a lot is because their conscience says it migth have been wrong. I agree with their conscience. If you are old enough to have intercourse, you should be old enough to raise a child. Sex shouldn't be causal, espically at a young age.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. When I say that the abortion sucks a lot, I wasn't referring to the moral struggle, but the physical aftermath. It is very unpleasant, from what I understand.
Originally Posted by willravel
The morning after pill is the pill that prevents fertinization by holding the release of the egg, and it can work up to 72 hours after intercourse (according to the nice folks at planned parenthood around the corner). If one has been raped and then takes this pill, odds are that she will not become pregnant.
Again, not sure of your bio on the morning after pill - I think the egg is fertilized, but the morning after pill prevents it from implanting in the uterine wall. Not a big difference to me, but it may be a key difference to you if you are basing your opinion on whether the pill prevents fertilization or aborts a fertilized egg.