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Old 03-08-2006, 12:49 PM   #18 (permalink)
I hadn't actually meant to trigger an abortion debate here, since I know those tend to go nowhere. I had meant to provoke a discussion about the tactics of the talk show host (avoiding the question, going on the attack on unrelated issues, etc).

But I did want to respond to a couple of will's points, as there may be some confusion

Originally Posted by willravel
I am personally confused by the stereotypical liberal view in which abortion is alright, but the death penalty is wrong. I see that as being contradictory.
I can't speak for all pro-choice people out there, but for me there is no contradiction here. I think you assume that we view both a murderer and a fertilized egg as a human life (and therefore it is contradictory to say killing one is ok, while killing another is not).

Personally, I don't view a fertilized egg as a "life." Yes, it is alive, in the sense of a living group of cells, but not in the sense of being a person.

Therefore, I don't see a contradiction between favoring a right to abortion while opposing the death penalty.

Originally Posted by willravel
My main concern about abortion is a combination of dehumanization of a fetus with a lack of acocuntability. The dehumanization point is endlessly debatable, but I doubt many can argue that a 16 year old girl who gets laid should be allowed to simply abort her problems away.
I think you are greatly oversimplifying the 16 year old's ability and motivation. It is not a simple procedure, so I don't think you can accuse someone of "simply aborting her problems away." I know some women who have had abortions, and it sucks. A lot.

Also, though obviously people differ on this, I have not known anyone to casually decide to have an abortion. Typically, they agonize over it before taking that step.

Originally Posted by willravel
In the cases of rape condom break, and incest, there are ways to prevent the fertilization of the egg. You have 72 hours after intercourse to take a pill that will prevent the ovaries from releassing the egg. The success rate of that pill is roughtly 90%. It is a contraceptive, not an abortion pill. Bottom line: I don't see a need for abortion with the mornign after pill. Can you imagine if abortions were reduced by 90% over night?
I'm not sure of your biology on the timing of fertilization and release from an ovary. I believe that eggs are fertilized well after they leave the ovary, but defer to those with superior knowledge if they can step in on this. What the pill does, as I understand it, is prevent the ovary from implanting in the uterine wall after it is fertilized. So it's sort of a forced miscarriage.

The contraceptive pill does do what you describe - prevent an ovary from releasing an egg during the monthly cycle, but that is different from the 72 hour pill you can take after having sex.

That said, I do recall once being told that a woman who is afraid of being pregnant can take an overdose of the latter pill, and what will cause a miscarriage of some kind.

Also, as a practical point: 72 hour pill aside, not everyone knows they have accidentally become pregnant right after it happens. The contraceptive pill does not always work, nor do various other types of birth control, and you would not know it until well over 72 hours have passed. So the 72 hour pill is helpful if you have reason to think you have an unwanted pregnancy during that time frame, but not otherwise.
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