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Old 03-08-2006, 11:13 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Location: Detroit, MI
Originally Posted by Charlatan
Bombing civilians and invading their countries does nothing but encourage more suicide bombers...You have to remember that these people strapping bombs to themselves are not living in a vacuum. There are tangible reasons why they do this. It isn't because they are evil. It's because they believe the same things (rightly or wrongly) that the fictional TFP members in the invaded US above believe. They are protecting their own.
I disagree...they ARE evil. I agree with Ustwo: they are, currently, the Personification of Evil. They are like Klingons. There is no "protecting their own" or "fighting for country"....because as we see, given the chance they will slaughter their own at the drop of a dime. In Iraq, factionally speaking, they have no country (yet) nor seemingly the ability to compromise for one. They are unorganized, undisciplined, unprincipled, irrational, illogical, chaotic, unruly, disorderly, obstreperous, unscrupulous, unsavory, belligerent, barbarous, bungling, truculent, rebellious, ineffective, incompetent, inept, despotic and arbitrary. Speaking of the Islamofascists: they are not only evil, they are criminally insane. As we see, they are intolerant, hateful, fanatically religious, maladjusted killing machines out of step with the rest. Colonial demarcation only served to prevent unprecedented mass genocide: without it there would be no "Middle East", only a "Shiite Islamic Republic of Persia" (S.I.R.P.) stretching from Egypt to Pakistan. There is a reason why this region has been a part of one empire or another since time immemorial.

Obviously there is no justification for killing civilians. Fight and kill other soldiers all you want, but when you sink to the level of depravity that is the targeting -- the organized, institutional targeting -- of unarmed citizens, you place yourself in a mathematically unwinnable position. It is the criminal world moral equivalency to child molestation. There might be motivation (religious/sexual), but there is no justification in a world that functions under systems of secular law and order. It is a dirty game to be sure, and all involved surely have blood on their hands. Yet people are people, power is power, and the world is the world. There is strong and weak, and the strong cannot allow the weak to run the show. It is the lions who rule the jungle, not the hyenas. When has it ever been otherwise?

In saying this, I am not calling for their extermination, but for their rehabilitation. And I empathize, because they need help assimilating. So, they are getting help - they are getting 21st century shock therapy. I am hopeful. But first, they need to relinquish their delusions of grandeur and visions of Saladin and get back to work. They need to appreciate the benefits of free trade and open societies. They need to realize the power inherent in the word "compromise". They need to be willing to make deals with the major players. As we see, there is simply no tolerance anymore for the psychotic malcontent lurking in the shadows.

I am hopeful.
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