Originally Posted by rainheart
How many non-arabic charicatures of muslims do you see depicted in the cartoons?
How many non-white charicatures of Christians do you see? I still don't consider them racist.
Originally Posted by rainheart
Which is exactly why I think those cartoons are inappropriate, they allude to the idea that all muslims are murderous, misogynistic people.
They don't allude to them ALL being murderous... but oddly enough, the ones that are, started killing because of the cartoon. It's like a self-fulfilled destiny for those cartoons.
Originally Posted by rainheart
So I want to know, if you hold that opinion, then what exactly do you believe reprinting these cartoons will achieve? The logical conclusion to what you said would be to reinterpert Islam in a more peaceful and less forceful manner for muslims prone to extremism. So then, what good do the cartoons do to that end?
Let's take a step back... they are CARTOONS. In the Arab world, cartoons are printed all the time depicting the US as being "murderous, misogynistic people"... we don't just start killing Arabs in our country over it. I don't think it should ACHIEVE anything. It's a cartoon. What should Snoopy achieve? What about Family Circus? Or the Boondocks? Maybe a chuckle? Maybe a snide remark for those that think they're bad? Certainly not blatent murder and riots. That's exactly what they should NOT achieve.