Originally Posted by CSflim
The difference between homosexuality, which some people find disgusting and others don't, and bestiality, which some people find disgusting and others don't, is that homosexuality involves two consenting adults and bestaility doesn't...a horse is unable to give consent.
I am resurrecting this thread because of a show I stumbled across a couple of days ago.
Imagine my unbridled (har, har) joy when I turned on the Discovery Channel to something called "Dirty Jobs." The host was tasked with completing both ends of artificially inseminating a horse! I gotta tell ya, I was high-fiving myself when I saw what the show was about.
So they had this structure that the stud horse put his forelegs on, and they hold in front of the horse what was called an "artificial vagina." Either it didn't look much like a real one, or I've been doing things WAYYY wrong.
Anyway, the horse starts humping it, and the host, with some difficulty, hangs on to it. End result: A baggie with about a half cup of semen in it. Street value: $25,000. Oh, I forgot to tell you: The first time he did it, the cameraman screwed up. They took the horse for a walk around the barn. When he came back in, he walked over to the structure, put his forelegs on it again, and waited for the artificial vagina, which he proceeded to fill up again. No WONDER he's called a stud!
So if he can't consent, does that mean the host is guilty of a sex crime? Conviction would be a lock, since it was on national TV, even though that horse looked pretty damn eager.
Oh, and the mare they inseminated: Was she raped?