Originally Posted by ustwo
Same thing, so don't be digging too deep. I just don't understand the connection people have for people who don't know them from Adam because they are celebrities. If your mother died I'd feel sympathy for you. If she was your mother, I'd feel sympathy for you.
Shes someone no one here knows personally which makes her no different than anyone else who died today.
I just don't get the cult of celebrity. If she didn't marry a movie star you wouldn't have heard about it or posted it.
As for being upset about people we don't know... wow. Really?
Um, we're on the TFP - we don't truly know anyone else here. But you're all interested in our lives, aren't you? I mean... that IS why you spend all your day hours on here, right?
No one is saying they're only sad because she's famous. They're sad because another good person has died. We can't help that our society doesn't make regular people famous... except of course, celebrities. They're regular people who became famous, no? So why wouldn't it be sad AS WELL?
Stop trolling, Ustwo. You're totally off topic.
/end threadjack