Exactly Charlatan - so what? And yet this guy has still been suspended...
You can see from Seaver and other's complete mis-interpretation of what the teacher was saying has forced this teacher out of work. The teacher was reporting things that the students might not have previously heard. With no political bias. And yet, due to the ignorance of the boy who seemed to believe that there was bias, and the following media frenzy, we get this insane situation where someone is suspended for doing their job well.
The WTC is not a legit target. The teacher did not say it was a legit target. The teacher does not believe that the WTC is a legit target. And yet so many people seem to believe that's what he said and thinks. The reason (apparently) why the teacher is suspended is because his non-partisan reporting of facts has been twisted into this insane (and deeply ironic) mess.
The teacher was not arguing anything. He was teaching his students his class.
Here's the extract again:
"You need to understand something — that when al-Qaida attacked America on Sept. 11, in their view they're not attacking innocent people. The CIA had an office in the World Trade Center. The Pentagon is a military target. The White House was a military target. Congress is a military target. The World Trade Center is the economic center of our entire economy. The FBI, who tracks down terrorists and so on and so forth around the world, has offices in the World Trade Center. Some of the companies that work in the World Trade Center are these huge, multinational corporations that are directly involved in the military industrial complex, in supporting corrupt dictatorships in the Middle East. And so in the minds of al-Qaida, they're not attacking innocent people. They're attacking legitimate targets, people who have blood on their hands as far as they're concerned. We portray them as innocent because they are our friends and neighbors, family, loved ones. I mean I had one of my best friends from high school, elementary school and birth, lives in lower Manhattan. .
The point he's making is that the people who commited these atrocious acts did them for their own reasons, reasons that *they* must have thought legitimate.
You'd think it would be obvious. Yet somehow, all these people seem to think the teacher is defending, or condoning the actions of the bombers. He's not. It's simple English comprehension. Why is he being suspended because people are unable to understand their own language?