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Old 03-07-2006, 09:33 AM   #66 (permalink)
Hi, I'm back. Sadly many false statements, let’s start with the job of correcting:


nanotech - the first link you posted has 9 layers - count them! (exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, tropshere, mesopause, stratopause, tropopause and ozone layer) and the second one you posted has 6, the Troposhpere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere and exosphere (as it states in the text, the Ozone layer forms a part of the stratosphere, and is not considered a layer in the same way as the others are)

There are 7 layers, not 6, nor 7 nor 9

1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Ozonosphere
4. Mesosphere
5. Thermosphere
6. Ionosphere
7. Exosphere

The mesopause , stratopause and tropopause are not atmosphere layers as you think
The Tropopause separates the Troposphere and Stratorsphere
The Stratopause separates the Ionosphere from the Mesosphere
The mesopause separates the Mesosphere from the Thermosphere

You count the ozone layer as a layer in the first sentence; you include that layer in the counting and you reach the number of nine. Then 2 sentences later you say the Ozone layer forms part of the stratosphere and you say it shouldn’t be counted. Don’t contradict yourself.

You mentioned 9 but 3 were not actual layers. So 9 – 3 = 6. But you forgot the Ionosphere. Hence 6 + 1 = 7.

The Ionosphere is a thick layer and not a pause. It serves as a reflectant to radio waves and humans used to transfer radio signals between continents.

Same.. The ozone layer or Ozonosphere is a thick layer = 24% of the atmosphere and it does a unique function between all layers to protect living creatures from deadly ultraviolet.


I know what evolution is and explained it previously. You can get different breeds but not different species. Let me tell you, giraffes had normal necks and they ate from the grass and the trees, but then the grass came hard to be found as the animals reproduced. The Giraffes with short necks died because they can’t reach tall trees to eat. The tall ones ate and reproduced.

Giraffe with tall neck + Giraffe with normal or tall neck have higher probability of giving birth to a giraffe with a tall neck. Hence evolution takes place this method.

That’s the maximum what evolution can do. A dog cannot grow a fin because he can swim better across the river because on the other side there is food. Let’s examine:

A dog with no fin but can swim + dog with no fin but cannot swim
A dog with no fin but cannot swim + dog with no fin but cannot swim
A dog with no fin but can swim + dog with no fin but can swim

They all have no fins. There is no DNA in the dogs body that tells it that if there is no food. And then the DNA will realize that there is food in the sea and grow a fin. The DNA cannot spy on the brain and know what the dog is thinking. Oh look.. the dog is thinking there is food on the other side, but! There is a river. Ah! So let me make a genetic code (as the DNA) and design a fin and make a reproductive cell such that when the dog has reproduction, he can have offspring that will swim to the other side…

Evolution exists, but is limited. Natural selection is the basis of evolution
Natural selection doesn’t have intelligence
Natural selection is not aware of its surroundings.
Natural selection operates on this principal:

Survival of the fittest -> the fittest reproduces and gets a fitter species
-> The fitter can survive and reproduce and get a fitter species.

But again, it’s about survival of the existing animal with the ALREADY existing DNA information.

New DNA information can only be created by adding or increasing already existing traits through reproduction.

Again, Giraffes grow a neck because its written in the DNA. The survival of the fittest occurs. The giraffes with long necks + other giraffes mate => Giraffes with long necks. The longer neck info is a result of the selection between XY(male) chromosome and YY(female) chromosome. The result offspring is nothing new. It’s the traits of the male, female, its grandfather or a genetic deformation, a mutation resulting in nonfunctional organs which may result in natural death for animals


I’m not afraid to say the truth but thanks, and I’m happy to hear from you. They believe, good, they don’t believe, I’ll provide more evidence to help it be understood and make it simpler. What I know is there is scientific important evidence that is proven through miracles of knowledge of the future. What’s unique about the miracle of the Quran is that it told us 1400 years ago what we are seeing now.

1- No body except a supreme being can know exactly the future 1400 years ago.
2- The Quran mentions that the Supreme Being is God

Hence by deduction God has existed.

Now since God shows in the Quran that he knows the future
 He is or was in the future.

So how can God be in the future and the past (1400 years ago) at the same time?
Its because he is not bound by time.

1- God existed
2- God is not bound by Time
3- God told us what is happening know

 God still exists

Explain to me the notion of the beginning of the universe. How can anyone say anything about the universe's beginning? It's impossible to even understand such a concept, much less understand the particular circumstances that surround it.

In order for there to be a beginning there must be a before, but there is no before time, so time could not have had a beginning
Noahfor, I’ll be happy.

Yes the universe had a beginning it was created from a point of zero volume, infinite gravity and mass. This is what scientists say. So where was this point created from? That is creation. We cannot go deeper in understanding as human beings. There is a verse in the Quran:

“And you haven’t been given from science but a little”

Everyday there are new discoveries, new technology evolving rapidly
Micro technology (before and current)
Nanotechnology (current (development) and future)

Nano is one thousandth of a Micro. When nanotechnology comes, you will be able to buy a PC the size of a matchbox! They discovered that there is a particle even smaller than the atom. The atom is made of particles called Quarks.


Read up on your history of the Quran. It was originally a recited text. It was never compiled as a single volume during the life of the Prophet. And in fact there were several versions until the canonical text was complied by the caliph Uthman, in 651 or 652. (source, Columbia Encyclopedia, 2003)
Sorry, but no. Every verse came on the profit was written on the paper was written. It didn’t come as a whole book at one. These papers then became so much that they had to write a book. They got the papers and copied them in the order they came from on a book, without changing a letter.

As I said changing the text is considered a sin. There were a few attempts by people who meant harm to change few letters of the Quran and distribute it thinking it wouldn’t be noticed. But then they were stopped. Saudia Arabia is main country that does the task of printing and making sure all Qurans distributed as the original.

Yeah, that's fine. But you can't call them proofs. You cannot use the Quran to prove the Quran, just as I cannot just write a document and then say the document proves the document. It's circular, and it does not work. After all, if the mere existance of a document were enough to prove the document correct, all I really have to do to win this argument is type up a sheet of paper that says "the Quran is wrong" and then say that the Quran is wrong because my document says so.
I have proved God’s existence through:
1- 1400 years ago events are coming true (not mentioned yet)

2- Miracles of science:
a- pork meat to be harmful
b- Sand as a cleaner
c- Structure of the mountain (not mentioned yet)
d- Other miracles will be shown on a new paged named “miracles” or similar

3- Miracle of the human anatomy and intelligent design wins by elimination. Evolution cannot create humans => superior life. Aliens created man and made him the superior and give him all the universe and vanished from the whole universe without a trace or a note or a book or a skeleton or anything? Very unlikely. Lets assume aliens made humans.. But aliens would be normal beings, of skeleton and muscle. So who created the Aliens? Only a supreme being as God can create Aliens.


If and only if, God did create Aliens and Aliens created man, then why and why might you, did the Aliens make a book from God where they say that God made the universe and they say in the Quran that God gave the universe to all human beings? They should have said he gave the universe to all human beings and the Aliens as well.

In either way, the Aliens if and only if they exist, they are dead, but in all cases mentioned above. God cannot die.

Therefore by elimination:
Neither evolution nor Aliens did create humans
God is the only Supreme Being left that could create humans

Now more about Aliens:

There is no way I say that science will ever find a life stronger or even more intelligent than human beings. It is simple; there is are verses in the last few pages of the Quran which gives us this info without spending billions of dollars of the US taxpayers’ money trying to find aliens:

“We gave you the universe, so pray to your God and be grateful...”

I insist on this point and say science has tried and tried and tried and will keep trying and trying and spending billions but it will not find anything. The budget for this thing (extraterrestrial search) is getting less btw because they are realizing it’s useless.

The answer is simple. Humans are the dominants in the entire universe. Anything found which is highly unlikely, will be a simpler life form as animals or unicellular organisms.
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