Originally Posted by Seaver
Geography =! Politics class.
It had no relevancy to what he was SUPPOSED to be teaching.
The syllabus explains this is a political-geography class.
Originally Posted by Seaver
The kid did think for himself. He decided that his teacher was creating a hostile learning environment and did the correct thing, he reported it to the principal. That's what you do with teachers who are out of line.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
As we now know, the kid didn't take it to the principal. He took it home and his father arranged for him to take it to a talk radio station.
There never was a complaint to the school or the school board.
Originally Posted by Seaver
Talking about how the WTC was a legitimate military target and implying that everyone in the class who supports Bush are brown shirt nazi's is NOT a good way to begin conversations. That is what he was doing when he was so "innocently" making kids think in depth.
Seaver...did you read the OP? Did you read the articles or listen to the recording? Did you read the transcript? All you've done in this thread is strawman.
The parents who complained are obviously more whitless Bush slaves who are an enemies of free thought. "What?! Critical thinking in MY childs school? He's saying Bush isn't the son of God? Something must be done about this!!! They are threatening my values (even thought I don't have any values)!!! I will threaten the district administrators, and they will quickly and easily bow to my will!!!!"
This was an attempt by a good teacher to raise the level of discourse in his classroom, an attempt to actually follow the rule that he is now accoused of breaking. The fact that all these parents are outraged PROVES that these kids get plenty of republican propoganda at home. Let them sample liberal propoganda at school in order to regain some sense of reality.