If the teacher were explaining to his class that the fundamentalist right-wing abortion bombers were killing people and threatening violence because they believed that abortion was an abomination. That would be fine. It's reporting a fact isn't it?
If the teacher were expressing an opinion that the Muslim religion was violent, that would be out of place, because it's an opinion.
If the teacher states that the WTC bombers believed that the WTC was a legitimate target - is that opinion, or fact?
If the teacher states that worldwide opinion on US foreign policy has seen better days. Is that opinion, or fact?
You don't appear to be able to tell the difference.
The difference is that in the first case (and in the case of the teacher in this thread) the teacher was expressing facts (people really do feel that way), and in the case of the Muslim bashing, it would be wrong because he is expressing an unjustified (personal) opinion.
If the teacher tried to say that George Bush was a fool, or that Americans were idiots, that would be wrong and he should go. But he wasn't doing that - as the transcripts show quite clearly.