Glad that you're OK, Adam. Sorry about your car, though. Damn, that sucks. But it is just a car, and is replaceable. I know...small consolation.
Smoke coming out from under the hood of a car is most definately
not a normal operating condition. Never, ever, ever continue to drive a vehicle under this condition. At the very least, you're going to cause more damage.Pull over, assess the situation, and act. Even if that means just getting the hell away from it.
Originally Posted by JStrider
hmmmm maybe I should invest in a fire extinguisher for my car...
For no more than a decent ABC rated fire extinguisher costs, and for no more room than they take up, absolutely. I've had one in all of my vehicles since I was a teenager. Just remember to check the charge in it, at least twice a year. The only thing worse than needing a fire extinguisher, and not having needing one, having one, and finding that it doesn't work.
Originally Posted by Plaid13
Its just a car not worth getting hurt over.
For once, I agree with Plaid. Judgement is key here. If it's a small fire, still in its early stages, then sure. If its gotten to the point where it's getting out of control...get the hell away from it, and let 'er burn. There is
nothing in that car that is worth being sent to the burn ward over.