Originally Posted by nanotech
I'm keeping this a scientific discussion
No, actually you are not. You are saying "The Quran says. . . " and the quran is not a scientific text.
And no, the atmosphere has 7 layers not 5
It depends on how you categorize it. If you, as most do, combine the troposphere and the tropopause into the lower atmosphere, and the stratosphere and the stratopause into one layer, then you have 5 layers.
You are misusing, you have quoted a part of my paragraph of 2 lines. Thereby one line alone cannot be understood.
Keep reading. I quoted a lot more. I broke it down because you changed subjects every sentence.
And NO, the Quran is the only book from all the profits that has been directly written and not ever passed orally. It’s considered a sin to change the letters of the Quran.
Read up on your history of the Quran. It was originally a recited text. It was never compiled as a single volume during the life of the Prophet. And in fact there were several versions until the canonical text was complied by the caliph Uthman, in 651 or 652. (source, Columbia Encyclopedia, 2003)
Furthermore, much as the christian bible came about, it was supposedly dictated to a prophit (Muhammad for you, Moses for them) by god when the prophet was mysteriously holed up away from the people. In other words, there's *no proof* that these prophets were telling the truth.
When they copy to distribute the Quran, they make sure every letter and apostrophe and comma and syllables are exactly the same as the original. The events and life and experiences and wisdoms of the prophet Mohammad came in other books called hadeef (the talking), and seera (the journey of life) and others.
Yes, that's how it's done NOW. But originally it was not done that way. Your Quran went through issues much as the bible did - a whole bunch of different versions that someone finally decided to simplify and make one official version.
Note: I have taken proofs from Quran because I have good understanding of Islam; but I also believe in all religions by God including Christianity.
Yeah, that's fine. But you can't call them proofs. You cannot use the Quran to prove the Quran, just as I cannot just write a document and then say the document proves the document. It's circular, and it does not work. After all, if the mere existance of a document were enough to prove the document correct, all I really have to do to win this argument is type up a sheet of paper that says "the Quran is wrong" and then say that the Quran is wrong because my document says so.