It comes down to a very simple concept:
For all things in this world, observation is key to understanding. Evolution is the culmination of hundreds of thousands of observations documented by learned people from multiplle fields, which form a theory we use to define how what is currently observed has become what it is . This theory exists because physical evidence has made it obvious to science that it is a likely explanation for the current state of life on Earth.
Any attempt to compare Evolution with a creation event is irrellevant, as Evolutionary Theory does not claim to, nor attempt to explain what created life in the fiirst place, but rather theorizes the steps that led to what we see today based on an enormous amount of indisputable Data. Those that redirect the debate on evolution by using a creation event do themselves a disservice in the eyes of anyone who understands what the theory entails.
Some God entity may very well have Made the first forms of life, I simply dont know. It may be guiding the changes that have taken place in that life over the last Billion years, again I dont know. But, in my opinion, anyone who cant see the reality of evolution, or at least see some part of it, deserves no further attention.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha