The scene
Adam is driving to work, it is around 8 AM...
Around 1/4 mile from work, the oil light in Adam's car starts to flicker... smoke starts to waft out of bonnet, Adam thinks car is over heating and tries to push on to work
Adam enters carpark of place of employment, smoke now quite thick and pouring out of bonnet... Adam pulls up a few spaces away from other cars, and facing away from building. Thick black smoke now making visibility difficult...
Adam runs into office, and makes tannoy announcement asking for help of fire warden
Adam takes small 5 litre CO2 fire extinguisher and walks back to car, which is smoking heavily, smoke coming out of middle of bonnet as well as at sides.
Adam tries to pop bonnet, but is too hot to open (apparently it is a good thing that I wasnt able to do this). Fire extinguisher is hopelessly ineffective, seems to feed fire and make it angry, when sprayed in at top of bonnet towards engine.
Flames start to leap out of bonnet, Adam withdraws and calls fire brigade, fire warden contents himself with stopping more cars from entering car park, other drivers not allowed to move their cars from carpark, everyone forced to go indoors.
Tyres start to burst, flames about 6 foot high from bonnet, fire warden nervously discovers petrol tank is 1/2 full.
Fire engine tuirns up, puts out fire with heavy water hose
Adam's car now a burned out shell in middle of car park
Adam only has third party insurance