I might buy a 'modernized' muscle car. I have an original now. A 1972 ElCamino SS.
It will need to get better than 10mpg though
Re: the Consumer Reports opinions on American cars and Detroit's response. I don't think Detroit can ever 'catch up'. If that is their attitude, they will always be behind because the foreign makers are always trying to innovate. Most of the things I see in American cars are there three years after the others have already done it. Detroit needs to make a quantum leap. (How does a behemoth with a 10Billion union anchor around it's leg leap anywhere???) Stop talkikng about all this cool stuff and just build one dammit. Lane sensing, back up video, heads up displays, full-time nav systems.....put them in every car. Make the cars so this stuff works for longer than 4 months. 'Well, we don't know if people will buy it' Well, they aren't buying the ten year old technology you're selling now...... Don't give them the choice. Say 'This is the new American standard, everything included'. No one would even buy a POS Kia again.
American auto companies are run by dinosaurs. They are only interested in the next two years so they can either get promoted or until their golden parachute opens. No one is willing to say 'We are going to build the 'best' car. Period'. No they say 'We are going to try harder'. Bullshit. This just buys them a couple of years and five years later things are exactly the same.
In the words of Yoda - “Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.”