Originally Posted by xepherys
I'm giving up giving things up for lent. To bring my own burden to this thread, I also forsake the act of giving something up because it could be gone tomorrow. If God Himself has granted mankind the joys we receieve on a daily basis, then denying them when you could literally lose them the very next day almost seems sacreligious. I'm being a bit of a devil's advocate here since I am not Catholic (or even Christian anymore, truly).
I suggest instead of denying yourself something for 40 days a year to remember to be thankful, that you'd get more from being thankful daily for things like:
a) Not being deployed in Iraq (if you're a soldier)
b) Not being "that poor person" on the news each night
c) Not losing you child(ren), if you have any, on a daily basis.
Life isn't about giving things up, it's about having the things and people around you that fulfill you and help you get through every day being a good person. *shrug*
< /soapbox >
Sometimes we lose sight of those particular goals. I don’t think it’s required to give up anything that brings you joy. I think it’s a good time to re-examine some of those things which a person might cling to, even if it’s an unhealthy habit, practice, or relationship.
Another reason for participating in lent is that a person doesn’t really know how that poor guy on the news feels unless that person has suffered. The Buddhist and early Christian practice of fasting is a way to encumber empathy for those who are suffering, and hopefully be able to understand the best way to help them.