ah Stage fright.
I was only afraid to perform once in my life and it wasn't even my first time getting on stage to play. However I certainly can attest and know a lot about stage fright. Musicians deal with it all the time. I know people who pretty much refuse to perform anymore because of it despite how amazingly talented they are and rather record in studio settings or just teach students how to play.
You might be interested in reading a book called 'Effortless Mastery' by the great pianist Kenny Werner. It's sort of geared towards Musicians but it is quite valid to all forms of performing arts and art in general.
Most of stage fright is equated back to ego. "Oh my gosh what will happen if I forget a line, I'll look like an idiot" or "Oh man if I play a wrong chord, everything will fall apart". That book teaches people how to let go of the ego and let the art flow.
I get nerves time to time before a big performance exam or just gig with really great playes. But it's never something that is negative. Learning to just realize that "what will be," will be allows me to enjoy what I do as a musician.
"A real leader faces the music, even if he doesn't like the tune." - unknown quote