Many children are diagnosed with ADHD - and that can be very wrong. The actual problem might be depression or bi-polar, or manic depressive - I could go on for quite a while. As such, no ADHD drug will help. Therapy and possible anti-depression drugs might help but certainly can't be diagnosed nor dismissed by the medical/psychological "experts" posting on this board. I mean, I haven't seen MD in anyone's signature posting on this board (no offense intended, VitaminH).
This is a very complex arena and shouldn't be taken lightly.
All that said, once someone is past adolescence, a good diet, excercise and a focus for life certainly can establish a basis and balance for good mental health. If you have that wortking and there are still problems impacting your life, it's time to seek professional help!
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.