The bike was stored indoors in a basement where it was kept dry and clean so i really doubt the seat has changed. it has always been a hard seat was ment for racing and has hardly any padding at all. but it used to be very comfortable for me. I am 25 now so i dont think im old enough to start loosing my ass just yet. but i have gained about 30lbs one of the main reasons i would like to get back to riding my bike. I would have changed the seat on it with one of the others i have sitting around except the seat post of the bike that the seat is bolted to has a stripped bolt that wont let loose and one thats still fine so the seat is still on very tight but it refuses to let go. And buying a new post for it costs more then i would like to spend being a bum dosnt pay very well. But i was able to stick on a gel seat pad so it has about a half inch of padding to it.