Originally Posted by barenakedladies
thanks for all the slams against my character.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Every time you sue someone because you are a greedy bastard trying to win the lottery that is the court system, the devil makes another lawyer.
You pointed out this comment, from Ustwo, as a "flame". To be honest...I looked at that comment when I first saw it last night. I concluded that the comment was a generality...a
collective "you", if you will, and let it stand. I see no flame here, nor do I see any flames, or "slams against your character", in any
other post.
Originally Posted by barenakedladies
I was beginning to think this place was all about constructive criticism and friendliness.
all constructive criticism. As far as the friendliness goes...I think that everyone who posted to this thread is your "friend". If you had a friend, in real life, that was doing something that you felt was wrong, would you coddle him...or smack him up along side the back of his head? That's all that happened here. We're just trying to keep you from going down the wrong road. Nothing more sinister than that.
Oh...and by the way, thanks a whole hell of a lot, for forcing me into having to defend Ustwo.