Get a new seat. A nice, padded one.
You don't say how old you are; but past a certain age -- 35 or so -- many men's butts begin to shrink. Some of the padding begins to go away. No lie, it's happening to me, and I'm not losing weight (that's for sure!). Not sure why, but it's a wide phenomenon, and I don't like hard wooden chairs as much as I used to!
Aside from that, everything everybody is telling you sounds right. A good way to throw your back out is to start riding hard after a very long layoff. Exercises that strength the muscles that support your spine and lower torso are excellent.
Do you have access to a good exercise bike? I have a recumbent that I use sometimes; it's not really the same as riding a real bike, but it gets your thighs and buttocks and lower back at least somewhat ready, while providing good support.