Here's what I got:
Main Loop // This is what your brain is ALWAYS doing, repeatedly.
If (Necessary < 100 )
Repeat (Loop);
Break (Loop);
Function DetermineMentalState()
//Determines level of distraction
If (outsideStimulus = true && unknownFactor = true)
return (State + 100)
else IF (outsideStimulus = true && unknownFactor = false)
return (State + 10)
else IF (unknownFactor = true && outsideStimulus = false)
return (State + 50)
else IF (unknownFactor = false && outsideStimulus = false)
return (State = 0)
Function AnalyzeInterest()
// Bored, and thing I'm doing isn't important
If (imBored AND actionNotImportant)
return (Necessary = 100*State);
// Bored, but thing I'm doing IS important, so I should stay focused
Else if (imBored AND actionImportant)
return (Necessary = 1*State);
// I'm not bored, and the action IS important -- I should keep doing these actions.
Else if (notBored AND actionImportant)
return (Necessary = .5*State)
This is kinda my analysis of the condition that I have. I believe that in the past my doctors might have misdiagnosed me with having an Anxiety disorder. My "anxiety attacks" although justified by fear -was nothing more than the outside stimulus and the unknown factor wreaking havoc on my mind. I think that this outside stimulus
might be some sort of food allergy because it comes and goes. (On a lovely note: my father is diabetic.) I have no control over when I am highly distracted and when I am not.
The food allergy theory isn't off the wall. There are many inconclusive studies relating food to behavior. One diet in particular (
the feingold diet) suggests that there is a direct link to certain chemical dyes in processed food and ADHD. All I do is avoid certain additives and eventually I will be allright. I haven't tried this yet and I have no idea how hard it will be to avoid chemical dyes...
Has anyone else tried this?
My other theory is that I am distractable because there is a lot to be distracted by. Right now for example -I came into work to get work done... yet I click on the internet and am typing away. (Work... on a Saturday... you've got to be kidding). TV, radio, Alternate routes while I'm in a traffic jam -these are all distracting ideas that pull away from my focus.