Dude, give it up. You CANNOT win this one. Bush lied. The videotape shows it. Playing bullshit word games will not change the fact that he lied- they will only make you look bad. Why don't you take up a fight you can win? You don't see me defending Kerry for being a big enough dipshit that he lost the campaign do you? That's because it would be a fight I could not win. Kerry WAS a dipshit. Just as Bush DID lie
No, it makes him mistaken. He never said "It won't be a problem." or "Everything will go as planned." or "We have it all worked out."
He said he was prepared and ready to help. That's it.
And the people in the video in NO WAY whatsoever stated firmly that there was an extreme danger of the levees failing. They used the word "potential."
This is nothing more than a witch hunt.